Monday, September 30, 2019

Digital Fortress Chapter 49

Becker dragged himself off the floor of the bus and collapsed in an empty seat. â€Å"Nice move, dipshit.† The kid with the three spikes sneered. Becker squinted in the stark lighting. It was the kid he'd chased onto the bus. He glumly surveyed the sea of red, white, and blue coiffures. â€Å"What's with the hair?† Becker moaned, motioning to the others. â€Å"It's all†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Red, white, and blue?† the kid offered. Becker nodded, trying not to stare at the infected perforation in the kid's upper lip. â€Å"Judas Taboo,† the kid said matter-of-factly. Becker looked bewildered. The punk spit in the aisle, obviously disgusted with Becker's ignorance. â€Å"Judas Taboo? Greatest punk since Sid Vicious? Blew his head off here a year ago today. It's his anniversary.† Becker nodded vaguely, obviously missing the connection. â€Å"Taboo did his hair this way the day he signed off.† The kid spit again. â€Å"Every fan worth his weight in piss has got red, white, and blue hair today.† For a long moment, Becker said nothing. Slowly, as if he had been shot with a tranquilizer, he turned and faced front. Becker surveyed the group on the bus. Every last one was a punk. Most were staring at him. Every fan has red, white, and blue hair today. Becker reached up and pulled the driver-alert cord on the wall. It was time to get off. He pulled again. Nothing happened. He pulled a third time, more frantically. Nothing. â€Å"They disconnect 'em on bus 27.† The kid spat again. â€Å"So we don't fuck with 'em.† Becker turned. â€Å"You mean, I can't get off?† The kid laughed. â€Å"Not till the end of the line.† Five minutes later, the bus was barreling along an unlit Spanish country road. Becker turned to the kid behind him. â€Å"Is this thing ever going to stop?† The kid nodded. â€Å"Few more miles.† â€Å"Where are we going?† He broke into a sudden wide grin. â€Å"You mean you don't know?† Becker shrugged. The kid started laughing hysterically. â€Å"Oh, shit. You're gonna love it.†

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Montessori Math

Montessori is an approach which many have adopted these days as a teaching method for children in preschool. The materials which they use create an environment that is developmentally appropriate for the children. Montessori believes that with the helped of trained teachers and the proper environment which the children are placed in, intelligence and different skills will be developed in the child (Casa Montessori, 1997-2009). In addition, one of the main aims of Montessori is develop children to become life long , independent learners. Instead of following the tradition teaching methods whereby teachers would present the students with all the facts and information that they need to know, the teachers trained in Montessori teaching would ask questions and direct the children in a way where they have to look for the answers themselves. In the learning process, the teachers would basically motivate the children to be actively engaged in their learning and to think independently (Seldin, 2010). The basis of the Montessori approach is that learning through experience and going through the process of investigating and discovery is one of the most effective ways for a child to learn. Montessori also believes that children do not learn by memorising information given to them but from concrete experiences that interests them. This is why Montessori focus on different creating different developmentally appropriate concrete learning tools and materials that stimulates the child into logical thinking and discovery for subjects such as mathematics, sensory development, language and so on (Seldin, 2010). With regards to mathematics, the Montessori approach sees sensorial training as a very important platform which aids in the learning of basic arithmetic. The wide variation of materials Montessori has to cater to mathematics allows children to familiarize themselves with numbers at an early age (Modern Montessori International, 2006). They focus on using sensorial materials because they are precise and exact. They believe that it is important for the children to work with materials that are exact and so that they can be exposed to isolated concepts, learn through repetition and rom there draw the main principle of each and have a clear abstraction. All these concepts would help the child to order his mind and enable him to classify different experiences. This is because having a clear perception and the ability to classify things help the child to learn how to be precise in their conclusions. Working with sensorial materials prepares the children for the study of progression and sequ encing as it builds up spatial representations of quantities and form imagines of magnitudes (Montessori Primary Guide). Montessori believes that before a child can start learning mathematics, he or she must explore and accept the notions of idealized things with isolated qualities and to practice the requisite intellectual skills (Modern Montessori International, 2006). First of all, exposing the child to early sensorial activities is used to introduce the idealization of things and isolation of qualities to them. This is because allowing the child to work with sensorial materials gives them the opportunity to deal with isolated qualities physically and hence acquire the sensibility of what mathematics is all about. Secondly, the child must be introduced to the intellectual skills needed for mathematics such as exactness, calculation and repetition. Practical activities such as pouring beans into a jug or sweeping the floor can help children acquire such skills. It is believed that when children reach age four, they are ready to start learning mathematics. However, prior to that, the children have to establish certain things such as internal order, precise movement, work habits, the child must be able to complete a work cycle, follow a process and are able to work with symbols (Modern Montessori Guide). That is why there are developmentally appropriate ways for the children to explore arithmetic. The material first begins with concrete experiences such as the number rods and cards where the children are able to work with such materials to learn the different concepts of numbers. This would also help the child as they work towards the abstract stage of solving mathematical sums. The mathematics in Montessori is organized into six groups. Group 1 is Introduction to Numbers, group 2 is the Introduction to the Decimal System, group 3 is the Introduction to Teen Board, group 4 is the Operation of Decimal System, group 5 is the Introduction to Recording and Arithmetic Tables and group 6 is Abstraction. Firstly, group 1 which is the Introduction to Numbers introduces the units of quantity up to 10. The focus group for this group is for children age 3 and a half onwards and the main aim of this group is to help children learn the names of numbers, understand the value of each number and to memorise the number sequence. Secondly, for the in group 2, The Introduction to the Decimal System, the children are given concrete experiences with units with tens, hundreds and thousands as tools to introduce them to the decimal system. As for the third group which covers the Introduction to Teen Board, it helps the children to understand the different numbers within a hundred. Fourthly, group 4 which covers the Operation of Decimal System gets children to work with beans when doing the operation and is usually done at a sensorial and group level. The fifth group is the Introduction to Recording and Arithmetic Tables. Children at this level work individually with the materials and area also introduced to recording at the same time. The children will use strips, boards and beads that help in giving them material demonstration of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In addition, these board games do help them children to memorise tables. And lastly group 6 is covers Abstraction. This level is a transition to abstraction which helps the children to internalize the different functions of arithmetic. The materials used by Montessori are of progressing difficulty. The child would first be introduced to a quantity in isolation and then a name would be given for it. After which, the child would be given the opportunity to associate the quantity and the symbol. Using an example for the number rod exercise, we can see that the children are first introduced to the numbers by itself when they are asked to count the rods. Subsequently, the teachers would go on and teach the children how to match the numerals to its values by matching the number cards to the rods. The focus group for this group is for children age 3 and a half onwards and the main aim of this group is to help children learn the names of numbers, understand the value of each number and to memorise the number sequence. With regards to Montessori, sequence is always given in all of the work and the children are taught to establish a sequence in everything they do. I believe that is how the children learn how the numbers go in sequence (Modern Montessori Guide). The advantage of this exercise is that the units of each number rod are fixed. Therefore, this reduces any possibility of confusion that might arise. Moreover, the children will be able to absorb the concept into the unconscious easily and hence teach them the names of the numbers before the child grasp the abstract conception (Montessori Mom, 2009). The materials by Montessori give the children the experience that they need to arrive and progress to begin working independently. Some of the activities are directed by teachers but all these activities would have to be followed up with activities which allow the children to work on their own. The children are only allowed to progress to the next level when they have fully understood the previous stage (Modern Montessori Guide). Thus, the children will only be able to progress to the decimal stage when they have finished the first level. As mentioned above, the children will start to learn about the decimal system in group 2. This teacher directed exercise is done for children age 4 years and above. What the teacher will do first is that she will put beads on a tray and place it on a table with the unit on the right and the thousand on the left. After which, the teacher will bring the unit of bead from the tray and put it on the mat and say â€Å"this is a unit†, and put the bead back on the tray. Subsequently, the teacher will bring out the tens bars and indicate to the children that â€Å"this is a ten†. And the teacher will do likewise for the hundreds and thousands. After all these have been taught, the teacher will follow up with the second period where she will place all four materials (unit/ tens/ hundreds/ thousands) at random and get the child to show her the unit she wants. In the last period, the teacher will take a random unit out and ask the child what it is. So for example, the teacher will take a cube and get the child to name what it is. The main aims of this exercise is firstly, that the children will learn the terms â€Å"thousands, ten and unit†, that they can understand the decimal system and that the child will be able to understand the relative values of one, ten, hundred and thousand. Following that, in order to teach the children how to associate the quantities with the numerals from 11 to 10 and to teach the children how to count from 11 – 19, the teachers would use materials such as a sequin board, 9 ten bead bars and a set of short bead stair. The different boards would be arranged on the floor and teacher would arrange the 9 ten bars to the right of the board. She would then ask the child to lay the out the short bead stair to the right of the ten bars. After which, the teacher would stack the numeral cards n order going from 1 to 9 and place the stack to the right of the board. With that the teacher will ask the child what the first number on the board is. When the child says 10, she will ask him to place a 1 ten bead bar to the left of the board and when she asks the child what comes after ten, the child will have to make 11 by adding 1 to the 10 bead bar. After that, she will get the child to place the numeral card with the number. She will continue to do this until the number 19. In order to teach the children numbers up till 99, the steps that the teachers do will also be similar to what they do with teaching the children from 11 to 19. As we can see, just like what was mentioned above, the procedures that Montessori adopts is one that has sequence. The children would progress step by step slowing adding on to what they know. Many have criticized Montessori’s method of using strings of beads to teach numbers as being clumsy or materialistic. However, they believe that it is necessary for the children to understand numbers because it would be easier for a child to work with concrete materials patiently if he or she is unable to get a clear idea of abstraction (Montessori Mom, 2009). The beads chain is used to give the child an understanding of the relative value of 1, 10 and 100. The teacher would place the chain and the 100 square next to each other, telling the child that the bead chain and the 100 square are the same. She will then start the exercise by asking the child to pull the chain into a straight vertical line and ask the child to count every single bead in the first bar. When the child comes to the 10th bead, the child would be asked to place the first number label 10, next to the ten beada. He will continue for the rest of the tens (20, 30, 40) until 100. In the next level, the children would progress to the stage where the teacher will develop their understanding of working of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. For example, in the exercise for addition, the teacher will show the children how to lay the materials out. A large number card is laid out in column and the 2 sets of small number cards are laid side by side. The teacher tells the children that they are going to work with addition problems. After that, the teacher makes addends in small number cards and puts one in each tray. She will then get the children to go to the bank and get the appropriate beads. After the children have done so, she has to show the children how to put the beads and the different quantities on the mat. The teacher will then explain to the children how she is going to add the different quantities and units that are there. She will get one child to place the large number card and show him where to place the card. A second child will be asked to bring down the 10s, count them and bring the large number card. She will repeat all the steps with the 100s and 1000s. Following that, children will start to learn composition and de-composition of numbers 1 to 10. This is for children age 5 onwards. The teacher will ask the child to build the stairs with the number rods on the mat. She will bring down the rod number 10 and get the child to count it. After which she would bring down the rod number 9 and get the child to count it as well. She will then ask the child â€Å"how many more do we need to make the number 10? † and the child will be required to go and take down the appropriate number rod. The teacher will continue this exercise using different combinations given to the child. The main aims of this exercise are to show the child the working of addition and to provide further practice in addition. In addition, this would also give the idea that two quantities added together make one large quantity. At the last level, the children will learn individual sums using different materials. For example, in the addition without changing exercise, the children will be introduced to individual addition sums using the golden beads and work cards, they will learn how tor record answers as further practice, it serves as an intermediate stage in the progression from concrete to abstract and to practice changing whenever it’s necessary. For this case, the teacher will remind the children that the colored lines corresponds to the numbers of large numeral cards and get them to read the first number (e. 4675). The child will then have to look for the corresponding beads and place them on the mat. After which, the child will read the next sum and have to bring the corresponding beads out as well. The child will then be asked to add all the units and record his answer. The teacher will repeat this with the tens, hundreds and thousands. Once the child has down all 4 sums, he will have to chec k his answer at the back of the cards. It has been said that children will soon grow out of using manipulatives such as blocks and beads to learn mathematics. Once they have reached the stage where they are familiar and are confident in using that method, they will want to go on to something of a higher difficulty level. This is when the teachers can start teaching them numbers with concrete objects (Montessori Mom, 2009). As the materials used for the different groups are developmentally appropriate, the children are able to learn the different concepts at a progressively level. At each stage they would learn something new which adds on to their prior knowledge. This is how the Montessori curriculum works. We can see that it all starts with the children learning the concept of numbers with the number rods and number cards and soon start progressing to learn decimals, addition, subtraction and learning how to group numbers together into tens, hundreds and thousands (Montessori Mom, 2009). Therefore it is important to introduce the fundamentals of mathematics in the early years during preschool where it would be easier for the child to grasp the concepts easily using concrete materials. The foundation of mathematics would have impact the children’s academic growth in years to come (Montessori Mom, 2009).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Project 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project 3 - Essay Example (Module 3, p 2). As stated in Module 3, a competency is â€Å"a collection of related knowledge, abilities, skills and/or attitudes (KASAs) that collectively produce a desired level of performance in a given area of responsibility† (p. 5-6). The paper will discuss competency and metrics for the six different roles mentioned above in relation to the organization I work for. It will explain the nature of the role and focus on the performance deliverables and areas of improvement, which in turn enables in reaching the organization’s goals. HR Competency model. Employee retention, satisfaction and growth have always received high priority in my organization primarily because of the huge manpower required to sustain business. The work force is divided in terms of the service provided for various clients and each division reports to a line manager. The functions of a HR employee are extremely challenging and offer enormous scope for growth and innovation, commanding expertise and discipline in every action. The six roles mentioned above are discussed with competencies, challenges and deliverables below. Employee Advocate: The Dell services division of the organization has 600 employees under its wing, provides online, and voice support to Dell’s customers. My role as an employee advocate in this program expects me to know the interests of the employees and communicate the same to the management. My role here is to provide a clear alignment between the employee and the organizations goals and objectives. Assist employees wherever necessary to help maintain their value to the program and effectively communicate changes in the organization brought about for the best interest of the employee and organization. The communication of the change in shifts and the new incentive calculator for the employees has been my recent challenge. I have effectively managed to even out the differences by an opinion poll, which gave the

Friday, September 27, 2019

The American 2010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The American 2010 - Essay Example In his attempts to disengage from death and to connect to the rest of the world, the filmmakers must find ways to emotionally express these changes through the way in which the production is designed. Plot Summary and Critic’s Reviews There is a unique twist in the plot of The American, the story not following the normal hit man thriller formulation that one might expect. Clooney plays a man who is good at his craft, making unique weapons that are used for creative assassinations. This is not done with some type of fantastical or over the top, â€Å"Q† from James Bond sort of way, but with a sense of realism. The brooding nature of the film helps to frame this profession, the seriousness of the ‘business’ of death relevant to the structure of the story. Clooney’s character, Jack, wants to be at the end of his career, the most recent event of an ambush bringing his attention to the fact that he was lucky to have survived the many close calls in his li fe. When he goes to Italy and to the town in which he is to make his last weapon, he begins to reach out, but almost imperceptibly, to the others. The priest and the prostitute provide a contrast of moral natures, each providing a part of the human contact that he has been without for most of his life. Film critic Rebecca Murray sees Jack’s relationships with the priest and the prostitute as cold and unresponsive. While both characters seem to be fascinated by Jack, he gives them very little in return, their investment in his attention far greater than his in theirs. Murray describes the film as being vacant, without much action or dialogue, thus leaving the film viewer as empty as Jack in the way in which they are limited in engaging with the film. She says â€Å"Even the charm and talent of Clooney can’t make Jack accessible to the audience as he’s trying to stay alive†. The American was not a critical success with average film viewers. According to Mur ray, â€Å"The American doesn’t capitalize on its uniqueness, taking leaps in storytelling and using far too many coincidental events to move things forward†. The problem with the film is created through the conflict of having an unsympathetic, emotionally crippled character and trying to evoke sympathy and emotional connectivity from the audience. It can be accomplished, but it is a tough project for a director to do it with success. According to Clabough, Clooney’s character establishes earlier on in the film that he is not a good guy, thus disconnecting the audience from their sympathy with him. Clabough states â€Å"Jack has loyalties to no one but himself, a malevolent character trait exemplified early in the film when Jack must kill the woman with whom he just made love to protect his own identity, though he is ridden with guilt that often materializes in nightmares†. Unfortunately, he never really turns that corner to reconnect or create a sympathe tic reaction from the way in which the story unfolds after his unsympathetic nature is revealed. Clabough sees no point to the character of the priest, his appearances only seeming to provide an opportunity for dialogue. The critic feels that this is one more opportunity for Hollywood to attack Christianity through revealing that the priest has a child out of wedlock, thus should not have put himself up as one to judge Jack about

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Theory and Analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theory and Analysis - Coursework Example The amount to be recorded would be either the present value or the fair market value of the asset. In this case the amount to be recorded is the present value which is calculated by discounting annuity due payments by discount rate of 8%. Amount totaled to be $86,243 in comparison to $96,000 i.e. the fair market value. b) The costs associated with the lease are taxes, insurance, maintenance and depreciation. These costs are obligatory to pay as it is considered incidental to ownership. These costs would be determined during the operations conducted by or on the property. Depreciation can be charged through straight line method. c) Lani would record lease transaction on December 31st,2006 on the balance sheet as: {Principal-[Payment-(Principal*interest percentage)]} This will give you the amount to be balanced as â€Å"Lease† in the liability section as well as provide you with the proportion of interest payment from the Annual annuity paid. CASE 13-5: Lease in order should mee t the following criteria for Doherty Company to classify it as a capital lease: Firstly, the lease should transfer ownership of the good to the lessee at the end of the lease term. Also, it should be noncancelable plus renewal options and periods should be attached.

Clothing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Clothing - Essay Example Clothes possess a number of functional roles, like offering protection, shelter and also helping us accentuate our physical appearances. Clothes play vital roles in carrying forward messages related to social or religious inclinations, marital status, etc. For example, In India, a married woman wears colorful clothing with the red sindoor. However, a widow gives up decking herself with jewellery and wears a white sari, that denotes her marital status. It also acts as a medium of depicting one's profession or nationality. To quote another example, ladies belonging to the Islam wear the burkha in accordance with their religion, which again denotes identities. Clothes also convey modesty and ethics, and the type of clothing plays a dominant role in assessing a person's character, while also portraying his background and Thus clothes possess numerous functional duties. A number of factors come to the forefront in deciding about the kind of clothing that dominate varied regions of the world. ... Over the last twenty centuries, clothing per se has undergone metamorphosis. However, besides the huge changes that have occurred, some very evident stereotypes have emerged, as well. Certain set rules and demarcations have emerged with the passage of time, that still dominate the current scene of clothing. One of these major trends has been the clear demarcated clothing type for both the genders. Almost all cultures and regional divisions across the globe have their own ancient dressing formats, as one can call it. Each such culture sets aside a specific kind of clothing for women, in separation from that for men. In the European culture for instance, men wear a pair of pant and shirt, while women wear skirts and blouses or gowns. However, in the East, ladies wear salwar kameez or saris and men wear the dhoti or kurta pyjama. Therefore, this set distinction between men and women clothes wear is a product of century-wise lineage brought down till date! Human nature seeks innovation and change. This applies to clothing, too. Across centuries, clothes have been altered, adapted and transformed into fashion statements of each era! New horizons are obviously emerging in terms of clothing. However, the change seems to still continue to be mere adaptations or variations of the age-old bequeathed ideas. This the era of Ungendered and Unisex Clothing, or clothing that both the genders can attire themselves in. In today's fast paced modern world, clothes also carry significance when worn according to the occasion,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Families in Poverty Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Families in Poverty - Assignment Example 1d. Women, infant and children get benefited from WIC as they get food supplement, free information on health, milk and formulas for babies, immunization referrals and reduction in medical expenses. However, the cons of this program is that it gets misused by the family who can take care of themselves, difficult to access for women living in rural areas and results in increase prices for formulas for parent not on WIC program, since half of the formula being sold in US is been subsidized by WIC. (Rector & Sheffield, 2011) 2a. After reading the article it can be said that the writer was implicitly implying that the poor we consider today are not really poor. If one pays attention closely, poor according to statistics own air-conditioning, a car, X-box, PlayStation and are not living over crowdedly, which shows that they are better off than the middle class of previous years. The sarcasm that the poor worries about paying the air-conditioning bill and putting food on the table implies that the eligibility criteria for government welfare should be reevaluated. The question ‘how a poor person can be poor, if they own a TV and air-conditioning?’ is actually an exclamation rather than question, because what poverty actually means is that the person is homeless, foodless and in time of severe hardship, rather than worrying about being not able to pay AC bills. 2b. As of now, owning such items will disqualify the participant form being considered poor, because the government definition of a poor household include house/apartment installed with air-conditioning, television, car, two color televisions, DVD player and VCR. 3. If I could formulate a plan or strategy to remove poverty, it will include all the departments of the State and a meeting at national level (Smiley & West, 2012). The plan will comprise of few different techniques and this will involve increasing of minimum wage to $11 per hour, as lack of money is the major

Monday, September 23, 2019

Hezbollah's fight with Israel in 2006 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hezbollah's fight with Israel in 2006 - Essay Example Given the harsh rhetoric against Israel in the Middle East for the past few decades, it may be a matter of time until one of those neighbors develops the support, and the military resources, to invade and devastate the tiny Israeli nation as a means of removing the Jewish presence from Jerusalem. This kind of conflict would ignite the entire Middle East in a war against the West, given the support that Israel enjoys from the United States and Europe. Therefore, the 2006 July War was not only a frightening experience for the parties directly involved, but the whole world. Although Israel received much criticism for its unmatched hostilities against Hezbollah and Lebanon, one could certainly argue that Israel was justified in taking those measures. On July 12, 2006, Hezbollah paramilitary forces engaged an Israeli patrol on the Israeli side of the border. This left three Israeli soldiers dead and two captured. Ehud Olmert, the Prime Minister of Israel, responded with systematic bombing s of southeastern Lebanon, which killed far more civilians than Hezbollah fighters. Hezbollah responded to these bombings with unsystematic, indiscriminate missile launches at towns and civilians in northern Israel. One side, the Israelis, endeavored to take away Hezbollah’s ability to fight. The other side, Hezbollah, vowed to keep going until Israel stopped its aggression. When the conflict stopped by UN ceasefire on August 14th, nearly 1,000 Lebanese were dead and nearly a million were displaced by the violence. The economies of both countries clearly suffered, especially with the destruction of vast infrastructures in Lebanon, which essentially put that country 20 years behind. Through this experience, however, one could certainly argue that Hezbollah was the winner, not Israel, despite the extensive damage done by the Israeli forces to Lebanon. Knowing that Israel’s objective during the July War was to destroy Hezbollah’s ability to engage in war and kill I sraeli civilians, Israel failed to more than temporarily diminish that ability. The Lebanese people grew to identify with Hezbollah through the experience, partly because they saw Hezbollah as their only protectors against the huge Israel. However, Hezbollah has been reportedly restocked with weapons from Syria and Iran, which means that this kind of conflict could restart at any time in the near future (Tristam, 2006). With Hezbollah’s increased support from other countries, it is a dangerous situation right now for Israel, who saw its reputation suffer deeply from the events of the July War. But even though Israel’s reputation suffered as a result of its actions in July 2006, one could very well argue, as many Zionists and supporters of Israel have done, that their actions were justified in the way of Hezbollah’s initial aggression (Bentov, 2007). Clearly, the killing of Israel soldiers by another military is an act of war. Unfortunately for Israel, Hezbollah is not a true â€Å"military† in the sense that it has a standing army. Israel then targeted their enemy as closely as they could, but failed to achieve the kind of precision that would have earned them victory. Perhaps Israel would have benefited from using tactical forces on the ground, and not using its air force to bomb targets in crowded urban areas. Despite that, it seems Israel was entitled to some

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Observation of the day in court Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Observation of the day in court - Essay Example She was careful to ensure that the accused understood his rights and consequences of his positions in the case. In addition to considering legal aspects of the case, the judge was considerate to the accused social issues, and appeared lenient in her directions and judgment. The case was criminal, with Robert White, as the accused and the nature case type identifies the state, represented by the prosecutor, as the other party to the case. In such a case, the burden of proof lies with the prosecutor, who is expected to prove a case beyond reasonable doubt. White was a 35-year old African American from Alabama. He had three children: the eldest being 19 years, a nine year old followed this, and the youngest was 6 months old. White was married and his wife sat next to him. We walked in when he was talking to his attorney, a female, after which he said he would plead guilty of the charges pressed against him. It is most probable that his attorney advised him to plead guilty for plea-bargaining (Scheb & Scheb II 161), or evidence against him could have been overwhelming. White was accused of possession and trade in cocaine, with which he was arrested on August 27, 2013. Undercover officers in Boston common arrested him as he was trying to sell cocaine, worth $ 40, to Cathreen Johnson, an undercover. At the time of his arrest, he was in possession of $ 330, in cash, three cell phones, and a knife. He, therefore, faced charges of unlawful distribution of underlined class B substance (cocaine) and possessing a dangerous weapon (knife). The overwhelming evidence, which also showed witness competence, explains the guilty plea. The judge also demonstrated competence, by ascertaining that White was sure of the charge to which he pleaded guilty, and White affirmed this, respectfully. In addition, the judge also ensured that White was aware of his rights at trial, and she reminded White of consequences of personal testimony, such as forfeited right

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Impact of Columbus Voyages on the Indigenous People Essay Example for Free

Impact of Columbus Voyages on the Indigenous People Essay The indigenous people were accustomed to sicknesses of their own but none like the ones brought by the Spanish. With the coming of these diseases many of the indigenous people died from small pox and chicken pox. Realizing this effect the diseases had on them many might have committed suicide and led up to other ways in which the indigenous people died out. After Columbus had left for the first time his men became lazy and put the indigenous people to work and as a result these people attacked but it was futile and many of them died. This was because the Spanish men were better armed with steal and metal weapons, powerful crossbows unlike the simple arrows and bows of the indigenous people. As taken from Caribbean History: Foundations Book 1 written by William Claypole and John Robottom it says ‘The Spaniards used horses for quick attacks and retreats, while the Tainos suffered dreadful casualties by rushing headlong at the enemy. In a very short time, tens of thousands were killed’. Afterwards the people were forced to pay taxes of gold and cotton or they were forced to give several weeks of free labour. The way in which the indigenous people were killed also known as genocide happened under the Spanish rule and decreased the population of these people. Indigenous people were polytheistic and their God’s were known as Zemis that they represented with wood, bone and stone carvings. Their Gods gave them good crops, sun, rain and corn. They believed deeply in these Gods and so when the Spanish tried to change their belief to that a foreign one with one God it was very difficult for them also because they were not interested in Christian learning. This made them see that there will no longer be the sun, rain and corn. Their religious practices were changed because of forced conversion to what the Spanish referred to ask Christianity. The Spanish saw the indigenous people as ‘heathens’ and wanting to please their country tried very hard to force their region on these people. Family was a big part of the indigenous society even in those where they were not a formed community like the Kalinagos who moved around and did not stay in one place. The breaking up of families made it difficult for the people to feel the togetherness of a community again. The adult males were taken away and moved around, the Kalinagos because of their war-type behavior rebelled and were killed by in the Spaniards in the wars they became part of. After so many years of fighting and trying so very hard to defend themselves, it eventually turned them into warriors which in the beginning they were not. Even if at first they were not accustomed to the fighting, suicide, killing and raids they now had to deal with these many things. Some of these indigenous people fled to the mountains and became maroon .As extracted from Karifuna/Kalinago of Dominica by Sidney Mejia ‘Indigenous people were thus being regularly displaced or exiled (to make way for plantations) to areas that were less fertile.’ They did things like destroying crops, refusing to work, poisoning the water supply and burning the food stores trying to succeed in getting back what they were before.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Co2 Life Cycle Of A Printer Environmental Sciences Essay

The Co2 Life Cycle Of A Printer Environmental Sciences Essay The report provides information about the life cycle inventory of a printer used domestically as a peripheral of personal computer. The purpose of the study is to evaluate various stages in the life cycle of a printer from its production to the end of life and flow of various materials and the production of CO2. The life cycle of printer has been investigated with help from literature research, industrial statistical data and information from various manufacturers. The approach has been adopted with much assumption for simplicity. The current study encircles life cycle changes starting from the manufacture of printer to the end of life. The raw material used in manufacturing, production of solid waste, effluents into air and water, paper use, the electricity used, and the use of cartridges are all measure according to rough estimates. However, the proportion of electricity used in printer in whole life cycle only makes 14% of the printer weight. However, the electronics used make a s ignificant part in the green house gas due to the presence of copper. Therefore, an improved and better estimate of perfect life cycle may be possible if real statistical data is available instead of making assumptions. Local manufacturing, recycling, refilling and careful use will be helpful to reduce environmental impact. The LCA of various types of printers will be valuable information for engineers to re-design future printers that are more environmentally friendly (Curran 1996). The current study also elaborates the importance of conducting LCA of a product. Global warming, environmental pollution, industrial reforms to manage environmental pollution and human efforts to control global warming are hot issues now-a-days (Curran 1996). Every product has a life cycle starting from its manufacturing to its end of life (Lehman 2007). The life cycle assessment (LCA) is a significant tool to assess the impact of a product on environment throughout its life (Hischier 2007). Mechanical and manufacturing engineers can take benefit of LCA data of a product to review and revise the material, design and technology of the product to reduce its negative impact on the environment (Fussler et al 1996). With the information of LCA of the products, it is possible to select environmentally friendly material to make products pleasant, less harmful to environment and more efficient (Guinee 2001). Cost has been a significant incentive but information of global warming has changed businessman and buyers view about a product (Newton 1993). Both buyer and busines s man is more attractive to environmentally friendly product (Cramer et al 1997). Use of computers in modern era has created a lot of peripheral and accessories used parallel to the computers. Printers, scanners, web cam and many other accessories are everyday use in modern era. Each of these products is made of various materials and therefore has various stages of life cycle. The current study is limited to the Life cycle Inventory Analysis of a printer. An Inventory analysis is not complete analysis of life cycle but still provides basic information about the product interaction with the environment. The Inventory life cycle analysis does not provide the full picture of the environmental impacts of product. A true LCA or absolute inventory LCA is possible where all statistical data is available from the manufacturing till the life end of product with its disposal stage. The printers are of various types. Major classification of printers fall under dot matrix printers, ink jet printers and laser printers. According to manufacture and distribution companys statistical data, there is 60% printer waste from USA and 40 % form European countries (HP 2009). However, other Asian countries and the rest of the World should not be ignored as there is ever growing demand of IT products throughout the world. Printers are manufactured in Malaysia, China, Japan, Asia, Europe, and USA and in many other countries. Taking China and Malaysia as major manufacturer of printers, the ocean freight distance to Europe and USA, material extraction assumed at miles away and parts manufacturing and transporting from long distance may contribute to the impact of printers life cycle. The developed countries like USA and European Union countries have monitoring bodies like Environmental protection Agencies to monitor the safe disposal of various products. The printers are supplie d in packaging mostly made of card board. The card board packaging is reused at most of sites according to local policies but variation in percentage is present. In USA about 60 % packaging is recycled (MPCA 2009). The printers are used domestically, commercially and in industry. We are using small domestically used printer in our case study. The general purpose of domestically used printers is designed to do a satisfied job of printing at acceptable perfection level. Normally, no duplexer is associated with domestically used printers and pages are turned manually by the user. Mostly two types of cartridges are used; one for the text printing and other for the color printing. A printer pack usually comes with a printer itself, a black cartridge, a color cartridge, a power cable, an external power supply, a USB or other port connecting cable, CD-ROM (with software) and a user information booklet. The printer varies in size and normally weighs range from 1.5 to 5 kg. Similarly the price varies according to make and quality. Now we can take an analysis of printers manufacturing stage. Printers are made of polymers in their primary structure and in the manufacture of its parts (Smits 1996). Two most commonly polymers in printers include high impact polystyrene (HIPS) and acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene (ABS). However, all plastics in printers are not necessarily HIPS or ABS and 86% of plastic in printers are recyclable (William et al 2002). An excluding percentage is not recyclable due to the presence of fillets. However, for the simplicity of our case study, we assume that printer plastics are ABS. We will be considering main manufacturing material in life cycle and will not focus on the intermediate material processing, packaging and shipping. A table for packaging material inventory has been reprocessed from information sources (Jason et al 2005). Various metals are used in printers manufacturing. The metals include galvanized steel metal for structure, plated steel shafts, and Copper metal in motor and small fraction of Aluminum in other parts. These metal materials are recyclable but Copper in motor may inhibit steel recycling. The electronic component also contributes to environmental impact and consists mainly on printed electronic board (PWB) and some electronics. However, the electronic components only make the 3% weight of the printers in total (William et al 2005). The electronics in printers consist on few PWB; usually six and weighing about 250 grams. The circuit boards are made of few mm thick epoxy coated glass fiber cloth laminate plated with copper but these are free of lead. The process of circuit board manufacturing consists on FR4 laminate process; a complex and popular laminate substrate manufacture process. The process is a wet processing method consisting on masking, lithography, plating, and electronics im planting to create a printed circuit board. The epoxy is usually mixed with a bromide flame retardant. The standard FR4 boards are one ounce or two ounce copper type depending upon the amount of Copper per square foot used in their manufacturing. The residual Copper is stripped away from the circuit board once print has been developed. The average weight of circuit board weighs about 10-15 grams depending upon the size of the board. About eight liter of water is used in the manufacture of a printers boards (Industry information). The soldering material is used to mount electronic components on circuit boards (Lehman 2007). According to manufacturer information, the soldering material required to manufacture a printers board amount about 0.000202446 KWh/Cm2 of PWB (HP 2009). However, it is calculation for lead free solder and VOC free flux which is environmentally friendly and require more energy requirement. Connecting wires and cables in printer also contain Copper (average less th an 100 grams). Normally more than sixteen semiconductors are used in printers. These are mostly made of plastic (HP 2009). The LCA of a printer has been outlined in figure (12) starting from its manufacture to the end of life. The life cycle of the printer defines the material and energy associated with the printer over its life cycle from the extraction, collection of the raw material at production site, production process, its use, reuse, recycling or disposal at the end of life and its contribution in the global carbon foot print. In a real sense, the LCA of printer is an analysis of the material and energy flow till the end of product life. The packaging and shipping of printers also contribute to the carbon print and make a contribution in their life cycle (Hischier 2007). The packaging consists on cardboard box, paperboard, and paper manual and polystyrene restraints (PEPI 2008). There may be strips of paper cuttings as been used to secure printer packaging in the past. Shipping and transportation of printer also contribute in the carbon print of the global warming. Figure 1; LCA Figure 2; Printer Life Cycle phases In our assignment we assume that printers are manufactured in China and distributed all over the world. The environmental impact of a printer may be classified into phases. The primary phases of paper use, ink cartridges and electricity and waste products are contributory to the LCA of a printer. The printers use paper, ink and electricity through out of their life cycle. The cartridges consist on polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) glass filled polyester and electronics. Mostly, LCA of a product is focused to find out impact on carbon foot printing (Guinee 2001). According to a research conducted by HP on its inkjet printer LCA, paper has a significant contribution in carbon foot printing (HP 2009). Contribution to carbon foot printing is a global terminology to find out environmental impact of a product during its lifecycle (Fussler 1996). An inventory table has been reprocessed by taking information from two resources (See table 1for printer and table 2 3 for Cartridge and packaging) . Item Mass(Grams) Note Metals(Total) 910 Steel 696 Aluminum 165 Copper 49 Motor Winding Plastic(Total) 2179 Recyclable 1887 Non-Recyclable 292 ABS 163 HIPS 1472 Others plastics 544 Includes elastomers etc Others Genera 144 Electronics(Total) 507 Including external cable and power supply. Printer Total 3740 Recyclable(Total) 2947 Includes recyclable metals, plastics, copper etc. Recyclable (%) 79% Table 1 (Inventory table reproduced by information sourced Jason et al 2005; William et al 2002) Ratio between recyclable and non-recyclable material in an inkjet printer Figure 3; Comparison between recycleable and non-recycable material Inventory table reproduced by information sourced Jason et al 2005; William et al 2002 Cartridge Material Item Mass (gram) Note Plastics(total) 20 PET+ 15% GF 20 Other Plastics Other Generals(total) Electronics 4 Ink 21 Black 21 g/Color 42 g Cartridge Total 45 Table 2 (Jason et al 2005; William et al 2002) Printer Packaging Table 3 Printer Packaging Item Mass(gram) Note Polystyrene 0.014 Shipping restrain Polycarbonate 0.015 CD Paperboard/Cardboard 0.881 Office paper 0.107 Manual etc Packaging(Total) 1.017 Table 3 Jason et al 2005; William et al 2002) We can describe the impact of printer by dividing it into three phases; paper usage impacts, electricity usage and the management of waste products. According to historical data, the usage of paper has increased to three fold over the last three decades (Mckinny 1995). The paper has been used as a main source of information storage since ancient Egyptians invented the papyrus, the Chinese make it more perfect by large scale paper manufacture and Gutenberg invented the printing press (Saaty 1980). However, the global warming has increased the importance of paperless terminology and most of organizations and utility firms are switching to the paperless strategies (Newton 1993). There are three significant way to assess the environmental impact of a product (James 1997). These are known as eco-point, eco-cost and eco-compass. In life cycle environmental cost analysis (LCECA), the eco costs are included into the total cost of the product. The eco-cost are the sum of direct and in-direct costs of the environmental impacts caused by the product in its entire life cycle. The aim of the LCECA is to find out alternative design, model and parts which are eco-friendly. Actually, it is true analysis as impacts on environment does cost us like waste management or the health hazards to the public etc. In our example of the Ink jet printer, we can add the cost of health hazards of ink, disposal cost and use of electricity in the actual cost of the printer to find out the LCECA. For example an inkjet printer may be cheap at its initial price than other printer but may cost more on the basis of its environmental impacts than other printer which are expensive at the beginning but is energy efficient and less negative to the environment. Energy efficient product is environmentally friendly as it produces less carbon print (NUON 2009). The other system which is mostly used in UK is the eco point system to find out the environmental impacts of a product. A score is fixed for each impact of the product. Then the score are calculated and sum up to find out the resultant impact of a product. The score mentions the actual eco points of a product on the environment. UK eco point system is an established methodology and internationally accepted. The eco points are calculated from the LCA of a product. The process of eco point calculation is not very straight forward but not very complicated. The characterized data is found out in the form of units (e.g. climate, vapors etc) divided by the norm (UK impacts per person). Then it is multiplied by a weighting to convert into eco points. For example, if we want to assess the environmental impacts of our product; Ink jet printer, then we will calculate eco points for each impact se parately and then sum them up to make resultant eco point. The third method to find out the environmental impact is called as eco compass method. In this method the sustainability of the product design is assessed to assess the environmental impact of a product. A sustainable product design (SPD) is defined as the design which is economical, environmentally friendly and socially liked (Tassoul 1998). A SPD is not a simple design but it is an innovative, creative and efficient. It requires the efforts of various business sectors such as policy makers, business strategies, managers. A SPD can provide better positive impact on environment. For example, in case of our produce: Inkjet printer, A SPD may be a printer with least harmful ink, very efficient on energy consumption and with least waste material. The impact of printer usage on environment can be best understood by considering carbon print produced as a result of energy usage during its manufacture, use and then in waste disposal. All stages of printer should be considered starting from, printer manufacture to the end of printer life. None of the stages can be ignored as ignoring any phase will not count the actual amount of CO2 production at that stage. For example, if we ignore manufacturing stage then we can ignore the Co2 produced at manufacturing stage of the printer. The printers industrial, commercial or domestic use some chemicals in the form of ink which is harmful to the environment and human health (Dias 2004). These chemical are hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic and also cause significant damage to lungs, skin and nervous tissues if exposed for long time. The harmful materials used in printer also contain very hazadorous material including Silver, Phosphoric acid and Isopropyl alcohol. However, the things are changing now; the printing industry has started to look at less harmful solutions. One of such measures is the waterless printing. The waterless technology reduces VOCs (Volatile Organic Compound) emissions by 98 %. The VOC are the major contributor in formation of low level Ozone (Counsell et al 2007). The low level ozone can cause respiratory problems and aggravate asthma and other respiratory diseases. The VOC are gasses consisting on harmful chemicals with negative health effects. These chemicals cause environmental pollution by spreading p etroleum based ink dies (Erbes 1996). Petroleum based inks have been the traditional choice in the printing industry. These inks are not considered as environmentally friendly. The other disadvantages of petroleum based inks are the use of non-renewable resource-petroleum. There has been a revolution in ink improvement in print industry. These inks are vegetable based and soy based inks and release few fractions of VOC. Printers have environmental impacts which should be minimized. Socially we can adopt environmentally friendly behavior if we adopt certain attitudes towards the use of printers. First of all less paper can be used if double sided printing is used (UC 2009). Therefore, duplex printing should be preferred. Now-a-days, there is universal attitude to go paperless. A lot of options are available in the form of CDs, flash memory sticks, HDD and memory cards. An attitude to recycle cartridges may reduce waste and pollution. The trend has increased and most of manufacturers are accepting used cartridges for recycling. The used cartridges may be re-filled and reused. The manufacturers may be encouraged to manufacture such cartridges which can be used again by re-filling ink. The reuse and recycling of the cartridges may reduce the landfill by cartridge plastics and thus can save landfill and resources. Ink refills are also available in mega fill packs reducing the packaging and waste fill. In addition to saving on paper and cartridges, electricity is another consideration. Energy efficient printers with energy saving modes are available and should be used in preferable way. In short, the LCA of inkjet printer has provided enough information on environmental impacts of inkjet printer from manufacturing to the end of life and then disposal. The LCA of a printer has provided us enough information to review, revise and plan environmentally friendly design of a printer. It also indicates less harmful priorities and choices during life cycle of a printer. For example double sided printing will be environmentally friendly than single sided printing. Double amount of paper will be consumed in single sided printing. To use double sided printing mechanical design and/or software may need updating. Next consideration may be the nature of paper. Paper generated from wood pulp has much impact on environment (Szabo 2009). Therefore, paper generated from non-wood fibers should be used for better environmental effects (Abramovitz et al 1999). Again printer design may need to change to adapt non-wood paper use. The second major contributor of environmental impacts in LC A of a printer is the electricity. An automatic solution is saver mode where printer turns off automatically when it is not in use. However, the user should also adopt the habit of turning off printer when it is not in use. The act of turning off printer when not in use will save approximately half of the environmental impact caused by a cartridge during its life cycle (William et al 2002). In addition to that, printer which do not used electricity when in off mode should be promoted. The current study also suggested the use of vegetable origin ink cartridges to reduce environmental impact. Similarly saving paper and cardboard by multi-items pack will also help to reduce environmental impact. It would be better to mention life cycle costs on cartridge pack to convince user about environmental impacts of ink. At the end of product life, the reuse and recycling of various materials should be promoted. The selection of material at manufacturing stage becomes important as it may provide chance to select sustainable material that can be reused or recycled. References Counsell. T., Allwood.J.2007. Reducing climate change gas emissions by cutting out stages in the life cycle of office paper. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. (49)340-352. Dias.2004. Evolution of the environmental performance of printing and writing paper using life cycle assessment. Management of environmental Quality journal. (15)473-483. Hischier.R. 2007. Life cycle inventories of packagings and graphical papers. Dubendrof. Lehman.M.2007. Life cycle inventories of electric and electronic equipment. Dubendrof. Szabo, L.2009. A world model of the pulp and paper industry. Environmental Science and Policy (12)257-269.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Comparison of Hawthornes Scarlet Letter and the Garden of Eden Essay

Parallels Between The Scarlet Letter and the Garden of Eden      Ã‚  Ã‚   In Hawthorne's intricately woven tale The Scarlet Letter, his characters create a parallel theme with the Biblical story of Original Sin. By examining the characters and their interactions and insights about each other, one can examine the symbolic parallels with the Garden of Eden.    One aspect of the Garden of Eden theme is portrayed by the connection of Hester and Dimmesdale. Hester's story parallels Eve, the original mother of mankind, a woman exiled from the New Garden of Eden due to an unforgivable sin. She is doomed forever to walk outside the garden, no longer able to partake of the fruits of paradise, barred from reentry by seeming "divine intervention." Hester is the temptress of Dimmesdale, offering him the fruit of good and evil which, heretofore, removes all naivete and forces him to walk, tortured, through the world with the knowledge of right, wrong, and the magnitude of his sin seeming to accost him at each new turn of the dim path down which he walks.    Dimmesdale is a fallen hero, one of God's chosen, who has fallen from grace in the moment of his original sin. He, also, is excluded form society because once his eyes are opened with the knowledge of good and evil, he cannot remain a true member of the blind, child-like Puritan society. Instead of leading the life of brilliance one would expect to arise from Dimmesdale's profound faith, he is ever tortured by his two-faced appearance. He imagines, "A herd of diabolic shapes grinned and mocked at the pale minister, and beckoned him away with them" (Hawthorne 141). Thus, Dimmesdale provides his own character insight as he examines his divided character and his appearance. He re... 168). Thus, Chillingworth handsomely finishes the parallel of Original Sin, ensconcing himself in darkness and malevolent desires.    By examining thematic links to the story of the downfall of man, one can trace a new level of character insight. One examines the role of Adam, Eve, and the Devil in the New Garden of Eden, following their sin and exile closely in the characters of Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth.    Works Cited and Consulted: Canby, Henry S. "A Skeptic Incompatible with His Time and His Past." Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne (pp. 55- 63). San Diego: Greenhaven. 1996. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: St. Martins, 1991. Scharnhorst, Gary. The Critical Response to Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. New York: Greenwood, 1992. The Holy Bible. KJV. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville. 1984. A Comparison of Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter and the Garden of Eden Essay Parallels Between The Scarlet Letter and the Garden of Eden      Ã‚  Ã‚   In Hawthorne's intricately woven tale The Scarlet Letter, his characters create a parallel theme with the Biblical story of Original Sin. By examining the characters and their interactions and insights about each other, one can examine the symbolic parallels with the Garden of Eden.    One aspect of the Garden of Eden theme is portrayed by the connection of Hester and Dimmesdale. Hester's story parallels Eve, the original mother of mankind, a woman exiled from the New Garden of Eden due to an unforgivable sin. She is doomed forever to walk outside the garden, no longer able to partake of the fruits of paradise, barred from reentry by seeming "divine intervention." Hester is the temptress of Dimmesdale, offering him the fruit of good and evil which, heretofore, removes all naivete and forces him to walk, tortured, through the world with the knowledge of right, wrong, and the magnitude of his sin seeming to accost him at each new turn of the dim path down which he walks.    Dimmesdale is a fallen hero, one of God's chosen, who has fallen from grace in the moment of his original sin. He, also, is excluded form society because once his eyes are opened with the knowledge of good and evil, he cannot remain a true member of the blind, child-like Puritan society. Instead of leading the life of brilliance one would expect to arise from Dimmesdale's profound faith, he is ever tortured by his two-faced appearance. He imagines, "A herd of diabolic shapes grinned and mocked at the pale minister, and beckoned him away with them" (Hawthorne 141). Thus, Dimmesdale provides his own character insight as he examines his divided character and his appearance. He re... 168). Thus, Chillingworth handsomely finishes the parallel of Original Sin, ensconcing himself in darkness and malevolent desires.    By examining thematic links to the story of the downfall of man, one can trace a new level of character insight. One examines the role of Adam, Eve, and the Devil in the New Garden of Eden, following their sin and exile closely in the characters of Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth.    Works Cited and Consulted: Canby, Henry S. "A Skeptic Incompatible with His Time and His Past." Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne (pp. 55- 63). San Diego: Greenhaven. 1996. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: St. Martins, 1991. Scharnhorst, Gary. The Critical Response to Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. New York: Greenwood, 1992. The Holy Bible. KJV. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville. 1984.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Different Interpretations Of Religion Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"Nearly everyone has some conception of religion. In fact, sometimes it appears that there are as many definitions of it as there are people† (Schmidt 9). Not only does each person have his or her own way of defining religion; each person has his or her own way of practicing religion. Studying these different practices can be difficult. There have been many people who have studied religion and through many different methods. While some people share similar findings, each person has his or her own interpretation of religion. Michael Malloy found three major patterns in his studies of religion. These patterns can be seen in many religions, especially Hinduism. The first pattern Malloy describes is the way each religion contacts the sacred. There are two ways that Hindus contact the sacred. One is through the Vedic Hinduism sacrifice, and the other appears in Upanishadic Hinduism, which is through mystical orientation, where a person â€Å"seeks union with a reality greater than ones self† (Burke 11). The sacrifice follows a scheduled routine in which many priests are present to ensure the event’s accuracy. The sacrifice is used to contact the gods in an attempt to please them so that they improve relations with the gods. This will help the sacrificer receive things from the gods that he asks for. â€Å"Usually the sacrificers praised the god for deeds they wanted the gods to repeat, such as the release of rain on the earth† (Srauta Sacrifice 76). Often sacrifices dealt with the natura l aspects in life, the things the people could not control on their own. In The Katha Upanishad, Nachtketa asks the King of Death for the secret of morality. â€Å"Ask for cattle, elephants, horses, gold,† says the King of Death (Burke 39). Nachtketa declines these offerings so that he may obtain the knowledge of immortality. The King of Death tells him to know Brahman. Brahman is sacred to the Hindus. Through mystical orientation Hindu’s try to reach this knowledge of Brahman. â€Å"Often techniques for lessening the sense of one’s individual identity (such as seated meditation) help the individual experience a greater unity† (Malloy 11). Hindu’s use seated meditation, yoga, to control the body, senses, breath and mind to reach a state where they can find Brahman. The second pattern Malloy describes is the importance of worldviews in a religion. Each religion has a different way of seeing the worl... ...d people†¦the abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness† (Marx 41). For all people religion provides something different. To some, living by way of religious practices is the only way they see fit to live. Religion is an explanation that comforts them. Other people find religion as a paralyzing element in the world, which holds back the cognitive development of people and the development of society. There are no certainties, except that there are no right or wrong views in terms of religious opinions, because every person has his or her own opinion. Works Cited Burke, T. Patrick. The Major Religions. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers Inc, 1996. Freud, Sigmund. â€Å"Religion As a Wishful Fulfillment.† Issues in Religion. 2nd ed. Ed. Allie M. Franzier. New York: D. Van Nastrand Co, 1975. Malloy, Michael. Experiencing the World’s Religions. California: Mayfield Publishing Co, 1999. Marx, Karl. â€Å"Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.† On Religion. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1955. Schmidt, Roger. Exploring Religion. California: Wadsworth Publishing Co, 1988.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Pleasure Of Meaning :: essays research papers

<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Abstract People often confuse satisfaction or pleasure with meaning. It is one thing to ask "How" (what Science does), another to seek an answer to "Why" (a teleological quest in most cases) and still different to contemplate the "What for". For instance: people often do something because it gives them pleasure or satisfaction – however this does not endow the act with meaning. Meaningless things can be – and many times, are – pleasant and satisfying. A prime example is human games. Games are structured, they are governed by rules and represent the results of negotiations, analysis, synthesis and forecasting. They please and satisfy. Yet, a few will dispute their meaninglessness. Games are useful. They teach and prepare us for real life situations. Sometimes, they bring in their wake fame, status, money, the ability to influence the real world. And even this does not make them meaningful. It is easy to answer HOW people play games. Specify the rules of the game or observe it long enough, until the rules become apparent – and you have the answer. It is easy to answer WHAT FOR do people play games. Pleasure, satisfaction, money, fame, learning, simulating real life experiences in anticipation and preparation for them. But al this does not draw us an inch closer to the answer to the question: WHAT IS THE MEANING OF GAMES? For meaning to exist, we must have the following (cumulating) elements: A relationship between at least two distinctive (at least partially mutually exclusive) entities (space-time is the result of such a relationship) This relationship must manifest itself as the ability to map important parts of the entities unto each other ("Important" – without which the entity is not the same, an identity element) That one of the entities should be larger than the other in some important sense. One of the entities must be physically bigger, older, more encompassing, mappable to more entities, etc. That there be an interpreter to discern and understand the relationship between the entities (therefore, an "intelligent" interpreter) That such observations would lead the interpreter (potentially) to explain and to predict an important facet of the identity and of the behaviour of one of the entities (usually, in terms of the other, within the context and while using the laws of mathematical logic) That the understanding of a "Meaning" will provoke in a human observer an emotional reaction and in a non-human observer, an alteration in its information content and / or in its behaviour The Pleasure Of Meaning :: essays research papers <a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Abstract People often confuse satisfaction or pleasure with meaning. It is one thing to ask "How" (what Science does), another to seek an answer to "Why" (a teleological quest in most cases) and still different to contemplate the "What for". For instance: people often do something because it gives them pleasure or satisfaction – however this does not endow the act with meaning. Meaningless things can be – and many times, are – pleasant and satisfying. A prime example is human games. Games are structured, they are governed by rules and represent the results of negotiations, analysis, synthesis and forecasting. They please and satisfy. Yet, a few will dispute their meaninglessness. Games are useful. They teach and prepare us for real life situations. Sometimes, they bring in their wake fame, status, money, the ability to influence the real world. And even this does not make them meaningful. It is easy to answer HOW people play games. Specify the rules of the game or observe it long enough, until the rules become apparent – and you have the answer. It is easy to answer WHAT FOR do people play games. Pleasure, satisfaction, money, fame, learning, simulating real life experiences in anticipation and preparation for them. But al this does not draw us an inch closer to the answer to the question: WHAT IS THE MEANING OF GAMES? For meaning to exist, we must have the following (cumulating) elements: A relationship between at least two distinctive (at least partially mutually exclusive) entities (space-time is the result of such a relationship) This relationship must manifest itself as the ability to map important parts of the entities unto each other ("Important" – without which the entity is not the same, an identity element) That one of the entities should be larger than the other in some important sense. One of the entities must be physically bigger, older, more encompassing, mappable to more entities, etc. That there be an interpreter to discern and understand the relationship between the entities (therefore, an "intelligent" interpreter) That such observations would lead the interpreter (potentially) to explain and to predict an important facet of the identity and of the behaviour of one of the entities (usually, in terms of the other, within the context and while using the laws of mathematical logic) That the understanding of a "Meaning" will provoke in a human observer an emotional reaction and in a non-human observer, an alteration in its information content and / or in its behaviour

Product Features of Windows 2000

Have you ever wondered where Microsoft will go next with Windows, well now it is time for you to find out. Microsoft has almost completed Windows 2000, which will be the new era for software around the world. In the last year computers have grow dramatically, with the new Pentium II chip and processors with the speeds up to 450MHZ. Almost every family home in America today has at least one personal computer. Whether it is for business or pleasure, more and more people are realizing the significance of computers. I am going to unleash the information that will show you how Windows 2000 will work. Windows 2000 is an operating system that configures your hardware for you. With its structure based upon Windows 98 and NT, they have also introduced revolutionary interface enhancements. Power management for the latest desktop and notebook models. That has one interface for browsing local files, Intranets, and the Internet. A customizable console that lets you control computers, peripherals, users, security settings, from any desktop. Which can handle all the tasks of managing users, groups, shared peripherals, and security, it also allows you to do all this over worldwide networks. A new security system that will use smart cards and other physical keys to let you access the computer. The new Plug and Play will allow you to handle all your hardware chores from one central location without restarting your computer. And at the location you will also be able to inspect driver device settings, update drivers, or troubleshoot resource conflicts. I am sure that this will be extremely helpful to many people out in the computer world including myself. With this feature it will make looking for a program or installing one a breeze. The Internet has become one of the biggest things used in homes and companies. It allows people at home to go shopping, check the weather, buy stocks, and work without ever leaving the desk. Companies are using it to publicize and inform people about them and their products. They also use it internally to connect different floors together via e-mail. With new Internet settings you will be able to choose your Web-style views thus letting you control what comes up on the screen without you saying, â€Å"what the hell is that.† With current Window versions, there†s no way to find a file-using Explorer. Instead you having to open many confusing dialog boxes that would only confuse you even more. The new search page lets you find files without leaving an Explorer window. That way you can see where you went and how you got there. Today managing a network takes forever. Windows 2000 has an all-new management console that lets you snap together a custom set of management tools. That is right, that means no more wandering around in the control panel in search of the right utility. The Active Directory is the central store of information about authorized users and groups, printers, fax servers, and other objects. Earlier Windows versions scatter this information across the network making it harder for people to find it but the Active Directory brings it all together. This will allow personal and corporate computer users to get work done quicker and more suitable for what they are doing. Windows 2000 will include support for a smart card that will let only one person access certain files, which they have blocked off. Windows will decrypt your files only after you have provided both your smart card and private key. Removing the smart card from the slot locks the system and the only way back in is with the same smart card. This will be used in many corporate networks throughout the world to provide safety and security. In conclusion, the future of Windows will only be the gateway for new management systems. Later on we will have computers that we will just speak to us and will hold up a conversation to accomplish projects and make using the computer easier but until then Windows 2000 will be there for us.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Telemedicine And The Elderly Adult Health And Social Care Essay

IntroductionThe new age of engineering is all around us, from Blackberry, Blue Tooth, GPS, I-Pads, I-Phones, I-Pods, and Smart Phones, ‘there ‘s an App for that'-anywhere we go and anything we want to make. Whether we accept or non, our private lives, our callings, and even our wellness concerns are invariably transformed by engineering. A We may kick, but in actuality, we would non hold it any other manner. Health attention engineering can be every bit simple as a proctor worn by a patient, or the usage of a handheld device at a patient ‘s bedside, that sounds an dismay at the possibility of a critical job. The hereafter of wellness attention engineering is about impossible, such as a sawbones sitting outside the operating room or as far off as another state, steering surgical instruments as an android machine performs intricate encephalon surgery in a infirmary. Soon, automatons are utilized in hospital scenes to implement bringing of medicine, lab specimens and consequences, and wellness records to assorted floors. A Robots can present these services in an efficient mode by make up one's minding and recalculating the best class to take to accomplish its undertaking, while carefully maneuvering clear of obstructions to finish the path. This paper about future tendencies in telemedicine focal points on the current and future impact of telemedicine in relation to caring for the rap idly increasing aged population.TelemedicineRemote and little populations in the United States are often at a disadvantage when they need entree to wellness attention. Disabled aged folks may non hold transit to see a doctor, if there is even one near adequate to entree. In an article focused on bettering diabetes attention in rural countries, Massey, Appel, Buchanan, and Cherrington ( 2010 ) explain that, â€Å" Residents of rural countries face extra barriers aˆÂ ¦ , including limited entree to wellness attention services, suppliers, and instruction plans ; high rates of poorness ; low degrees of wellness literacy ; and increased distances from societal webs ( p. 20 ) . In these state of affairss, the solution to wellness attention isolation for these persons is telemedicine. Telemedicine, defined as the â€Å" usage of telecommunications engineering to present health care at a distance from the patient † ( Stedman ‘s, 2005 ) , is besides known as â€Å" telehealth † . Telemedicine allows aged folks in rural or medically underserviced countries receive sufficient health care. The efficient exchange of medical records and informations between multiple doctors, specializers and/or druggists, while trial consequences and ordering instructions discussed between the patient and the doctor or other attention suppliers, is the end of telemedicine. Physicians ‘ communication over the telephone about intervention for a patient is a signifier of telemedicine, every bit good as an cyberspace videoconference between suppliers in different parts of the state or universe. Telemedicine can function the patient in the absence of place wellness attention every bit good as provide support and information for place wellness care-givers. Proctors can assist the patient keep path of medicines, blood force per unit area, and weight. In the yesteryear, a place wellness nurse necessitating instructions for medicine dosin or intervention for a peculiar patient may hold had to wait for a telephone call. Current computer-based information systems provide patients and their health professionals with support and information at the clip support and information is needed. Telemedicine brings the expertness and cognition of a distant specializer into the audience room of a little rural health care installation, or transfers the CAT-scan consequences of a patient in a rural community to a radiotherapist in another topographic point. The most recent promotion in telemedicine is the development of nomadic solutions that are non reliant on fixed systems, but employ nomadic orbiter and cellular telecommunication webs for the bringing of health care ( Kroemer, Fruhauf, Campbell, Massone, Schwantzer, Soyer, & A ; Hofmann-Wellenhof, 2011 ) .A Mobile telephones and personal digital helpers ( PDAs ) are used to present patient information. Mobile telemedicine is critical to the success of exigency medical services ( EMS ) forces before and during conveyance of a patient to a infirmary ( Parker, 2005 ) . Telemedicine is besides utile in educating doctors, nurses, and other medical forces. A The deficit of nurses, and likely besides the deficit of doctors, is due in portion to deficiency of instruction of medical staff. At least portion of the preparation of staff members can be with computer-based application systems. Application package can imitate exigency or intervention state of affairss to give the trainee practical hands-on preparation. In add-on, pupils can take specialised tests designed based on their ain degree of expertness.Telemedicine and the AgedTelemedicine, telecare, and telehealth, are all footings used interchangeably to depict distant monitoring of patients utilizing information, communicating, and engineering ( ICT ) . Patients are monitored through clip-on monitoring devices that send wellness position information from the patient to the wellness attention supplier electronically, in add-on to electronic mails, informations and imaging direction, and videoconfere ncing. Old ages ago, physicians made house calls to analyze their patients. With telemedicine, physicians can now do a practical house call. Patients can link themselves, or be connected by a attention supplier, to glucose metres, blood force per unit area turnups, radio graduated tables, and many other electronic devices that track the patient ‘s wellness daily and direct the consequences to the patient ‘s doctor. The Personal Emergency Response System ( PERS ) is another device for supervising aged patients. The PERS is typically worn as a pendent or a wristband, and automatically sends an qui vive if the patient falls or has another type of exigency. In an article featured in the diary â€Å" Age and Ageing † , Miskelly ( 2001 ) provinces, â€Å" Recent developments in new engineering are the topic of intensive research destined to do an of import part to the attention of older people, both in establishments and at place ( P. 455 ) . † In add-on, a 2010 survey conducted by BCC Research predicts that elder attention engineering and specifically engineering that proctors long-run attention installation occupants for falls and general wellness indexs, â€Å" were valued at $ 2.3 billion in 2010, and are expected to make $ 3.4 billion by 2015 † ( Long-Term Living 2011, ) . The U.S. population over age 65 is anticipated to more than double by the twelvemonth 2050. As the per centum of aged population additions, so does the rate of disablement, infirmity, and chronic diseases. Weakened aged grownups whom live entirely and suffer from chronic unwellness necessitate some signifier of every twenty-four hours monitoring. Home wellness attention helpers may assist, but most are non available to be with their client ( s ) on a full clip footing. In add-on, the greater portion of the aged population could non pull off to pay for this type of attention if it existed. The most accessible signifier of full clip monitoring for aged persons is a wearable device that monitors the person at all times. The most frequent chronic diseases of the aged are cardiovascular, cardiorespiratory, neurological, and diabetic conditions. The weak aged are besides more likely to see falls. An article written by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC, 2012 ) reveals that â€Å" Each twelvemonth, one in every three grownups age 65 and older falls. Fallss can do moderate to severe hurts, such as hip breaks and caput hurts, and can increase the hazard of early decease. † Frequent monitoring of an person ‘s physical calm and critical marks may increase the likeliness of forestalling a dangerous event. â€Å" Home based gesture feeling might help in falls bar and aid maximise an person ‘s independency and community engagement † ( Patel, Park, Bonato, Chan, & A ; Rodgers, 2012, p. 2 ) . With other telemedicine systems patients monitor their ain critical marks utilizing blood force per unit area turnups, finger detectors to mensurate O impregnation, and graduated tables for supervising weight. A The informations transferred over web connexion to the database waiter where it is stored. The doctor or other healthcare supplier can entree the information remotely. The major difference between this type of system and the wearable monitoring devices is degree of user interaction. A The wearable proctors send signals automatically, where the blood force per unit area turnup, finger detectors and graduated tables are attached to home integral monitoring Stationss and necessitate interaction by the patient. A In add-on, being connected to a computing machine, they are non mobile, as are the wearable proctors.Restrictions and BarriersWhile telemedicine shows positive results for the aging population, legion barriers stand in the manner of its widespread execution. â€Å" Thos e barriers include deficiency of consciousness of available engineerings and jobs utilizing engineering among older consumers, deficiency of fiscal inducements to utilize or put in engineering, deficiency of consensus on the value of specific engineerings and unequal engineering substructures † ( Alwan & A ; Nobel, 2008, p. 3 ) . For illustration, some aged persons have negative intension when they think of engineering. They are either uninformed or uneducated about engineering, so are immune to devices that could assist them unrecorded longer, happier, more independent lives. In add-on, some folks may hold frights about their demand for such devices. Some older grownups and their household members may non hold the income to afford such devices which makes it hard for usage of the engineering to go a common pattern. Poor substructure is another obstruction, which is the inability of different information systems to pass on with one another. â€Å" Without this â€Å" interop erability, † EHRs created by one doctor ‘s information system can non be shared with or accessed by another doctor utilizing a different information system, a quandary that clearly defeats one of the intents of EHRs, which is to better co-ordinate attention † ( Alwan & A ; Nobel, 2008, p. 1 ) .The Future of TelemedicineThe widespread popularity and usage of telemedicine will non take off in the following five old ages, but telemedicine will easy be used by more patients and doctors than it is now. Distance will go less of a factor because of betterment in telecommunication and high-speed informations webs in general. As telecommunication progresss, so will telemedicine. Currently, wellness issues and life endangering conditions necessitating forte audience may take hours or even yearss to get the needed information. In the hereafter, forte audience could be an immediate communicating with a specializer sing the patient at the same clip as the go toing doctor. At pr esent, developing countries still need to get the engineering for usage of telemedicine. For this sector the usage of telemedicine in wellness attention countries such as general surgery, paediatricss, and exigency attention will better over the following five to ten old ages.DecisionThe life of each person is impacted by new engineering every twenty-four hours. The prevalence of engineering in our lives will merely go on to increase in the hereafter. From smart phone wellness â€Å" apps † to distance-guided robotic surgery, wellness attention engineering will go on to be enhanced and improved upon. Telemedicine is presently used in potentially every facet of communicating in wellness attention, from physician/specialist, physician/patient, and patient/healthcare supplier. Telemedicine is used to develop wellness attention staff and nurses where there is a deficiency of pedagogues available. Specialists and primary attention suppliers can see patient medical records, physica l history, and radiological images at the same clip, or even by a group of specializers through video-conference. The aged receive support and attention through telemedicine with the usage of proctors worn on the organic structure or connected to a computing machine. In the hereafter, I think it is possible that the monitoring systems will do it possible for medical information related to an exigency to make the infirmary exigency room staff before the patient arrives by ambulance or chopper. When needed, a specializer will look to be in the exigency room with the patient and staff, even though the specializer may be stat mis off. Harmonizing to Cowan ( 2010 ) , â€Å" Real ‘Health Care Reform ‘ requires cardinal alterations in pattern – which in bend requires effectual usage of information engineerings and acceptance to altering consumer outlooks † ( p. 379 ) . A As telecommunication progresss, so will telemedicine and all other facets of wellness attentio n engineering.A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How Leeds Was Like Durning the Victorian Times

Life in Leeds was ghastly; many sources tell me this from pictures, to rhymes, reports and drawings Leeds was a well polluted and unhygienic place, Leeds also did not have any proper sewage system causing diseases to spread killing innocent civilians. First pictures of Leeds Steel works which was taken in 1864 show me that factories created poisonous gases that normal everyday public inhaled. My first source also shows that from a distant view the air itself was murky and unclear. Source 1:As I mentioned before there are many sketches by anonymous artists who express their art from what they can see around their environment. This gives me more evidence that Leeds was very dirty and polluted. Source 2: Rhymes and songs were created by the people (most probably the children) who inhabited Leeds at the time one of the most famous rhymes were: â€Å"The Aire below is doubly dyed and damned; The air above with lurid smoke is crammed ; The one flows streaming foul as Charon’s Styx, Its poisonous vapour in the other mix†.What it is really translating is the water below (the river AIre) is coloured in an unnatural state and it is supposedly damned, the air above is crammed with toxic smoke, its poisonous vapours reaching us. Therefore it was commonly known that the Leeds was contaminated and filled with pollution. In 1842 Edwin Chadwick, a politician who was trying to make improvements and reforms to the conditions of towns and cities conducted an investigation into ‘Sanitary conditions of the labouring population.Edwin used local investigators to provide evidence of urban public health conditions. A doctor, Robert Baker, provided information about the hygiene and how it was affecting Leeds. â€Å"Of the 586 streets of Leeds, 68 only are paved by the town, ie, by the local authorities; the remainder are either paved by the owners or are partly paved, or are totally unpaved, with the surfaces broken in every direction, and ashes and filth of every d escription accumulated upon many of them†¦ of the 68 streets†¦ 9 are not sewered at all, and ten only partly so; nay it is only within the three or four years past that a sewer has been completed† . This statement tells me that there were 586 streets in Leeds and only 68 were filled with pavements. Filth and Ash filled every direction; in those 68 pampered streets 19 of them did not have a sewage system at all! Only 10 streets had them; however the sewage system has only been completed 3 or 4 years ago. This source is reliable because as a local doctor Robert Baker had experienced the severe horrific cholera outbreak of 1832.By 1838 as a town councillor, had contributed to a statistical survey of the town and went on to become a factory inspector by 1858. Cholera and other diseases broke out because of the poor sewer system when civilians had to ‘relieve themselves’ half of their waste was absorbed by the ground and was then entered the stream which peop le drank from! While the other half just flowed through the streets waiting to infect civilians with putrid bacteria and filth .Public people also used to wash and bath in the river AIre causing its natural water colour to die out and for it to be swarmed with dirt and bacteria. For my conclusion I still stand by my decision that Leeds during the Victorian times was a filthy, disgusting place. Its water was not safe to drink and was revolting, although the simple workmen who build hundreds of factories hoping that it would not hurt the ozone lair still poisoned the air that the poor Victorian people breathed and lived in.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How Ot Manage Stress

How to manage stress When it comes to how to manage stress, there are loads of methods to deal with this problem. Today, with the increasing number of people getting overwhelmed pressure on their study or job, more and more people are paying their attention to how to solve stress problem more effectively. In this essay, we are going to talk about how to manage people’s stress physically and emotionally. 1. How to manage stress physicallyEngaging with people’s pressure in physical method means to do some regular physical exercise or sport in order to reduce stress, such as yoga, walking, gardening or any other physical exercise that people like. The purpose is to make people have time and space to release themselves into a peaceful relaxation. The following method will show that. 1. 1Regular Exercise Doing some regular exercise such as Yoga, gardening, working, jogging or any other physical activities that people like after work or study are able to lower people’s heart rates, blood pressure and oxygen consumption (Treven, Treven, Zizek, 2011).In addition, it also will let your physical body into a state of peaceful relaxation. 1. 2 A Deep Breath This is the simplest method to deal with stress that people have. All people need to do is climbing a top of the mountain, then have a sit, try to get rig of all the trouble inside your mind. 2. How to manage stress emotionally 2. 1 Release of Emotions The reason why a plenty of people who are suffer from the overwhelmed pressure is that they always keep their stress inside mind instead of pouring it out. So at this point, people need toâ€Å"letting off some steam†(Donvan, 1991), which means expressing emotion to others.Communication with closed friends or colleague is a good way to heal issue of pressure, on the other hand, people are also able to chat with parents and family relatives, who are understand each other easily than anyone. Under this circumstance, people would put themselves in to harmony surroundings, so the pressure will disappear immediately. 2. 2 Getting assistance from the social support Firstly, people could search help from the professional institution which focus on studying on stress. In this manner, people will find out their original issue of pressure as soon as possible, and then listen advises from the professional experts.In addition, marriage is also a way to deal with manage, according to the survey from a double who all earn money, women with spouse will heal quicker from the daily stress than the woman who don’t have one(Novotney,2008 as cited in Treven, Treven, Zizek,2011 ). 2. 3 Letting go Mostly, people will feel stressful because of the heavy workload, Andrew Weil, the natural health guru, said thatâ€Å"individual should get rid of what he can spare†(Wei, 1997 as cited in Treven, Treven, Zizek,2011 ), which means people should throw away the unimportant things, people should make their life more simpler and easier inste ad of being complicated.Conclusion In general, it is divided into two separated section about how to manage stress, physically and emotionally. Taking a deep breath at a high place and engaging some regular exercise belong to physically section. Releases emotions, getting help from professional and throw away the unimportant things belong to emotional section. People should select the proper technique for managing stress wisely according their own needs.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Discussion & Interpretation of an International Issue or Event during Essay

Discussion & Interpretation of an International Issue or Event during the Cold War - Essay Example On the other hand Realist or classical realist IR scholars and practitioners emphasized upon being updated with the modern day military and economic power responsible for the conviction that mishandled the problems at hand threatens to forestall all possible futures. Communism is another universalistic system of thought that offered Americans a way to feel themselves tied to the larger world (Klein, 2003, p. 30). In the conflict between liberalist and realists scholars, IR was decided to fate upon the ‘Realism’ where political strength through World War II left not just a single power vacuum in that part of the world, as in Europe, but several other parts as well. Japan’s defeat destroyed an empire that had dominated northeast Asia for decades. The rise of China during cold war was followed by the weakening rule of Nationalist government and strengthened its long-time Communist rivals, preparing the way for renewed and intensified civil conflict. Elsewhere Japanese victories undermined the authority of European colonial regimes, encouraging independence movements on the Indian subcontinent and in Southeast Asia (Gaddis, 1998, p. 55). The Cold War alignments let the Chinese to harden Cold War alignments through choices they themselves made. The European pattern had been one of the Soviet Union imposing its authority and the United States being invited to respond, in China the situation was reversed. The Chinese people chose to transfer their allegiance from the Nationalists to the Communists, hence Mao’s great victory in 1949. The Mao’s powerful government, both for ideological reasons and because it feared an American attack, sought China’s incorporation within a Soviet sphere of influence. By 1950, a fundamental shift in the balance of power had taken place where nearly overnight the communist world appeared almost to have doubled its extent. Realist school of thought have always succeeded in appearing self-evident, for